Monday, June 26, 2006

Canada, Montreal, Old Porte
St Laurent river in a summer night while there was fireworks competition. During the summer, the fireworks competition lasts for almost 50 days, once or twice a week.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Canada-Montreal-Peel, the Million Dollar Street
Another F1 in Montreal. Every year during F1, Ferrari owners park their Ferraries on Peel Street. Obviousely Peel is too busy and there won’t be any chance to take a shot of all the Ferraies together, but I could. Because of very heavy rain, nobody was on street and it was the best time to take this shot.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Canada, Mont-Royal, Train Station
The train that comes from Deux-Montagnes and goes to downtown. Here is Mont-Royal station.